I just spent some time compiling about every action shooing sport that I could think of in the Triangle area, and adding them to a Google Calendar.
Check the link here, and you can then add this to your own Google calendar, or you can just keep coming back here, and checking it. I tried to embed it, but WordPress is being picky.
If I missed anything, let me know, I’ll get it added. There are some more matches in the area that are not open to the general public, so I did not add them to the list.
I also added a link to the calendar in the menu bar up ^^^ there.
DPRC 2 gunrimfire matches, located in Haw River NC. Second saturday
of each month April thru June (no July or August match), October and December.
September and November matches will be on second Sunday.
[email protected]
Hey Kel, I added them. Let me know of any changes, and I'll do my best to keep the calendar up to date.