[powerpress] This is the last episode for a while. I’m taking the summer off to get used to life with our new baby, planning to come back with Triangle Tactical Podcast “Season 2” around August or Septemberish. See you then, carry on.
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[powerpress] This is the last episode for a while. I’m taking the summer off to get used to life with our new baby, planning to come back with Triangle Tactical Podcast “Season 2” around August or Septemberish. See you then, carry on.
Read More »One of the USPSA topics that keeps coming up, is that folks want USPSA to change Production division to have 15rd magazines instead of the current 10rd magazines, to mirror IPSC Production division. For the longest time I’ve been adamantly against it, mostly because I just don’t want the division to be changed, because I don’t like change. After doing this video, I’m more ambivalent about it. I do think the change would do a …
Read More »[powerpress] This week’s Triangle Tactical Q&A show is mostly questions from the Triangle Tactical Facebook Group. I created the Facebook Group so listeners of the podcast can discuss the shows, post match video, and talk about practice and skill building. Click here to join the group! Shawn: Do you feel like your new mag pouches made a difference at your last match and why the lack of practice on the last week before the Carolina …
Read More »If you’re not familiar with Match Video Diagnosis videos, they are where I narrate my shooting videos, and talk about all of the things that I did well, and the things that I didn’t do so well… Because it’s video, I can’t really skip the things that I didn’t do well, so you get it all. I think it’s a cool way to learn more about shooting, and will give you a lot of things …
Read More »This post originally appeared on Patreon. If you want access to the Triangle Tactical NewsBlast Podcast, as well as bonus content like this, consider becoming a patron. Become a Patron! Gear Changes: One of the biggest changes I made before this match was buying new magazine pouches. I’ve previously been running the Ghost 360 Universal pouches, and they were good, budget minded mag pouches for the last few years, but I was having a lot …
Read More »They used to make great instructional videos like this. and this: Nowadays all they ever post are clips from matches, edited together, not even whole stages. The relevant, instructional content is gone. What’s up with that?
Read More »This morning, the internet woke up to an ominous warning screen on the channel of Hickok45, one of YouTube’s biggest gun channels. The error message said the account had been “terminated” and gave a non-descript message about “repeated violations of terms of service.” Hickock himself has posted on Facebook that the root cause seems to be tied up with YouTube videos being reposted to Google+, causing some complication. One of the common responses I heard …
Read More »Appendix carry has been undergoing a renaissance in the last few years, but the biggest outstanding safety concern has been holstering a loaded gun in a way that, were it to go off, would put a bullet in your leg. One concern for reholstering is that, under stress, a novice AIWB user will forget to observe Rule #3 and holster with their finger on the trigger. The other is that “foreign matter” (a t-shirt) might …
Read More »Our recent podcast about people shooting IDPA matches with guns they don’t actually carry brought out a strong stripe of IDPA shooters who clearly are not in it to practice with their carry guns, but instead to win. Just flat out win. Not CCP, not BUG, high overall. That’s a fine goal (although winning matches is ultimately a terrible goal), but if you’re in it as a game, go shoot USPSA. If you’re going to …
Read More »Note: this situation has been resolved the satisfaction of all parties. See updates below and throughout the post. Original post left mostly intact. The gunternet is currently exploding after blowndeadline custom and SSVi LLC posted this image on their respective Instagram pages, a screenshot of the first page of what appears to be a cease and desist letter: SSVi, in their comments on the image (update: post deleted, screenshot here), attempts say this is Smith …
Read More »Ben Stoeger’s Practical Pistol Show just dropped an excellent episode about people doing tactical training that hit the nail on the head in a couple of different ways. First, the fact that tactical shooters are generally focused on either performing techniques or being accurate, often at the expense of being fast. When they’re not actually pulling a trigger, their focus is generally performing techniques according to criteria that have been told to them. You think …
Read More »Today, we released an episode of the Q&A Podcast that asked for our top 5 tips for getting in to competition shooting. You can listen to the episode for the full explanation of each, but our 5 were: Most people are there to have a good time. Very few are there actually trying to win. This is something people get caught up on, thinking that they will stick out from the crowd being the new …
Read More »For the first time since we launched the Q&A podcast back in May, we’ve run completely out of voicemails for more episodes. Basically, if you want some new Q&A podcast episodes for next week, we need you to send in a voicemail. Click here to find out how to send in a voicemail, or just record your question on your phone and email the file to [email protected].
Read More »I’m guilty, however after seeing this, I’m going to order some rated safety glasses with tinted lenses for use at the range. Losing my eyesight is an absolutely terrifying thing to think about for me, so yeah, I think the regular sunglasses are out. I like these for clear lenses, and these for tinted. You don’t have to spend a ton to get decent protection.
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