This evening I had the opportunity to meet up with Sean from, and several members from Carolina Shooters Club, and for this Town Hall Meeting on “Gun Violence in America”. The meeting featured a panel of three presenters, Dr. Meymandi (a psychiatrist who has studied gun violence), Congressman David Price (rabid anti-gun politician), and David Crabtree (from WRAL, not really sure why he was on the panel…)
The meeting went like this:
Crabtree: We need to have a discussion about gun violence.
Crabtree wouldn’t come out and say what he wants done, he just kept telling us to have a conversation about it. I didn’t really get the feeling that Crabtree was a gun grabber, but at the same time, I don’t think he really cares.
Price: Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah 30 round clips blah blah blah blah 30 round clips!
Congressman Price is a gun grabber. He spoke about how “most Americans” want “enhanced” background checks, and he seemed disappointed that the Manchin-Toomey bill failed in the Senate. He also mentioned that we need to prosecute those who break the law.
Ya think?
The fact that current laws are not being enforced should be enough argument in and of itself to keep any more laws from being passed.
Lastly in his opening statement, he brought up “high capacity assault weapons that have no conceivable sporting, or hunting, or self defense purpose”. I wish I had known this sooner, I better lock up my AR since it’s no good for self defense. Basically, Price droned on and on with the same talking points and rhetoric we’ve been hearing from the liberal left for the past 6 months.
Later on during the Q&A session, Price tried his best to bring every question back to “high capacity clips”, it was comical.
Dr. Meymandi: Our mental health system sucks.
Meymandi didn’t really have much to say about guns. He immediately called out Congressman Price for being a Democrat, and stated that he and Price belong to different political parties. Meymandi spoke a lot with quotes from the Bible, and the Constitution. He stated that we need to educate people about mental illness, and talked a little about some recent cuts to the NC mental health system. He didn’t really make any points about gun control which surprised me, and I’d actually like to speak with him more on the topic, because he seemed well spoken and intelligent.
The second half of the meeting was a question and answer. Surprisingly, most of the questions were asked by pro-gun folks. Sean Sorrentino got to ask David Crabtree a question about the declining rate of violence, and his question really seemed to irritate Mr. Crabtree. It was great.
The other questions were asked by a female firearms trainer (I didn’t catch her name), a gentleman who put the smack down on David Price when he wouldn’t answer his question, and another female who asked Rep. Price how enhanced background checks would have prevented Sandy Hook when the weapons used were purchased legally, and stolen. Price answered “I think you’re right, and it wouldn’t have prevented that crime.” At least he was honest.
All in all, I think this meeting was a win for the good guys. There were a lot of anti-gunners there, but there were also a lot of people carrying guns. I bet if the anti’s knew how many guns were in the room they would have fainted!