I have several Facebook accounts that I use to keep an eye out for whats going on with the other side. Recently I noticed this message go out across the many of the Misguided Moms facebook pages (They make many pages that all post the same stuff).
HOLD THE DATE: Moms from across the country will be getting together in Indianapolis April 25-27. We’d love to have as many members present as possible. Please hold the dates. More info to come soon!
Gee, what could be taking place in Indianapolis on the above dates? NRA Annual Meeting?
I think we all expected that they would try some sort of protest, and I expect they will have an extremely low number of people who actually show up, as usual.
It’s funny though that they aren’t marketing this to their own people as a time to come out and protest the goons at the NRA, but instead they are just having a get together, that just happens to be at the same place, at the same time as the NRA convention.
More info to come soon!