Home / CCW / Tuckable Holsters: Who Uses These Things?

Tuckable Holsters: Who Uses These Things?

Last week I posted about following the #kydex hashtag on Instagram. I keep seeing comments on holster pictures over there like this:

“I really wish this was tuckable!”
“This would be better if it was tuckable!”

I want to know, does anyone actually carry daily with their shirt tucked in between their gun and the holster clips? I’ve tried it a time or two with my Crossbreed Supertuck, but I’ve never been satisfied enough to actually leave the house.

tuckable holster

Here’s why tucking sucks:

  1. It’s a pain to set up. I have to put on the holster and pistol, then tuck my shirt around in between the clips. Not so fast though, after the initial tuck, I have to go find a mirror and see how it looks. The holster clips are still exposed, and I better not make too much movement or my shirt will become untucked around the pistol, which requires a trip to a restroom somewhere to remedy the issue.

  2. Exposed Clips are Obvious. Lets face it, there is nothing similarĀ  to holster clips that people just wear on their belt. Nothing. The general public probably wouldn’t look at a holster clip and immediately recognize it for what it is, but they clips can draw some extra attention to the part of my body where the gun is.

  3. J-Clips suck. As a way to remedy the clips being visible, holster makers over the years have sold holsters with “J-clips”, a clip that goes over the edge of your pants, in-between your pants and belt, and curls up under the belt just a little. The trouble with the J-clip is that is transfers the weight of the gun and holster off of your belt, and puts it onto the very-not-ridgid waistband of your pants.

  4. Velcro clips probably suck too. After folks started to realize that J-clips weren’t the end all, be all, some companies started to sell holsters that had clips with hook and loop on them. The hook and loop clip would clip over your waistband, and then be attached to the back side of your belt that was also specially made with hook and loop on the inside. I’ve never used this setup, but I have to imagine it had a lot of drawbacks, not to mention being expensive.

I’ve tried the tucking thing a few times, but it’s just never worked for me. In situations where I have to have a tucked in shirt, and no additional things to cover my pistol I’ve always just decided to toss a smaller pistol in a pocket. It’s not ideal, but it beats not carrying.

So, for those of you who have to dress in a way that tucking in around a holster is your only option, what do you do?

About Lucas

Editor/Head Honcho at Triangle Tactical. Lucas is a life long shooter and outdoorsman, avid concealed carrier and competitive shooter, and a lover of pork fat.


  1. I tuck it in sometimes, but I wear a jacket.

  2. Yes, tucking sucks. It’s a pain getting your shirt tucked in, and costs you precious seconds in a DGU scenario.

    However, it may be the only (or at least, the best) viable option for those who work in an environment where untucked shirts are regarded as sloppy and unacceptable, it’s too hot for a jacket, and who need to keep their gun concealed legally, if not tactically.

    I’m honestly not too concerned about printing, or those giveaway holster clips. I only need to keep the gun itself concealed in order to comply with the law.

    • “However, it may be the only (or at least, the best) viable option for those who work in an environment where untucked shirts are regarded as sloppy and unacceptable”

      This. Working in a law office, untucked shirts are not acceptable, and suit jackets are too restricting (I can only afford to buy off the rack, and it’s hard to do anything when you can’t raise your arms to your shoulders without worrying about your jacket tearing). Concealment is necessary due to our clientele (lots of professors and faculty from the local university, so many are liberals and would probably either faint or go berserk at the sight of an evil gun).

      Fortunately, the bosses don’t care, and a Crossbreed MicroTuck with a P3AT hides pretty well when tucked in. As for the clips, generally the only people who notice are gunnies themselves. The general population is usually in condition white and oblivious, and probably wouldn’t know what the clips mean, anyway.

  3. I wear a Crossbreed every day. I seldom use the tuckable feature though as I generally wear a t-shirt untucked as a cover garment. However, I like having the tuckable clips available if I need them.

  4. Always.

    I generally don’t tuck in *tightly*, though – poof the bottom of the shirt out a bit all around to avoid printing and hang down over the clips.

  5. Tucking is a pain in the neck, but if you get a long enough shirt it works fine and you do not have to adjust it. Granted you will think you do and go back and check it all the time, but generally it stays tucked. As for the clips…. nothing you can do there. The only saving grace is that for people who do not know the just assume it is some kind of phone clip.

    That what I have found for whatever it is worth.

  6. I actually tried tucking an INCOG once (can’t remember why) and was a pain to get set up, but it seemed to work ok. It’s not a necessary feature for me when I’m buying a holster, but having the option is nice. I think you may be over thinking the visibility of the holster clips. Yes, they are visible and there’s nothing that really looks like them that a non carrier would have. However, it seems like they’re one of the things that most people aren’t even going to pay attention to in the first place. As a person who has had to resort to open carry a few times, it was actually shocking to see how little situational awareness most people actually have.

  7. Tacipac is the only holster I have tried that solves the problem of tuckable all day carry. http://www.tactipac.com/fusionpac-iwb-concealed-carry-holster/

  8. I run a phlster skeleton at 12:30 with a wilderness systems belt; i wear the belt such that the extra webbing doubles over on my right hand side after passing through the buckle and i have the holster looped through the “inner” part of the belt and the “outer” tag end of the belt covers the holster loop. Works perfectly and is very hard to notice unless you’re really looking for it. (I carry in a nonpermissive environment.)

  9. It doesn’t work well with a t-shirt, unless the shirt is long enough to blouse down over your belt-line. Then the drape covers the clips and the outline of your firearm. It works far better with a long length button shirt, or loose long tailed “polo”. The shirt HAS to have enough excess length to “blouse” but still stay tucked in. A good test is to get dressed without the holster with your shirt tucked, and then reach as high as you can above your head with your strong hand. If your shirt is still in your waistband afterwards, it is probably good enough. This works for me using Galco King-Tuks to carry a full size 1911, BHP, or CZ-P01 IWB all day. Of course I am 6′ and 200#, so ymmv. Oh, and the front clip rides just beside the belt loop and behind my cell phone holster…the shirt blouse in the back makes the rear one disappear completely.

  10. Sparks VM2 with belt loops to match the Sparks belt. It still sucks to set up, but wearing a dress shirt with it I’ve never had anyone seem to notice- and that’s with a P220 tucked in. The matched loops/belt blend pretty well. I tucked an Incog once, and it looked good in the mirror, but my wife promptly asked why I’d grown a tumor…

  11. Yep, I have a super tuck as well, and while I do not normally tuck, I used to at an old job. The clips are not a problem on a black belt, no one will notice (especially if you carry other thing on your belt as well). I also carry it on the hip (about 4:00) and it disappears in that location. It is also one of the most comfortable IWB holsters I have tried.

    Of course I do have to conceded carrying tucked does increase draw time. I consider tucked ā€œdeep concealmentā€ so increased draw time is expected. The fastest draw I can accomplish while tucked is to use the opposite hand to rip the shirt up off the gun while the draw hand finds the grip and draws. YMMV.

  12. I carry almost every day. Almost every day I carry, I also tuck. Getting dressed with a tuckable holster takes an extra 30 seconds. It is well worth the effort to look good while still being able to protect my family.

    Regarding the authors complaints about tuckable IWB…
    1. It takes me longer to load the coffee machine (also a life saving device in my household) than it does to tuck my shirt.
    2. I use “C” clips with my Comptac M-Tac holster and Desantis belt. Takes care of the obviousness of certain holster clip styles.
    3. Since I use “C” clips, the belt still supports the firearm and still looks good.
    4. Never tried the velcro.

    I generally buy my pants one size larger on the waist and also purchase “tall” type shirts (also helps with my orangutan sized arms) to have enough material to easily tuck.

    Until I find a better carry method for an M&P Shield (or similar size firearm), I’ll continue to tuck my IWB holster.

    • P.S.

      If your “J” style clips are showing, attach another belt mounted accessory just in front of the front clip. A cellphone case, PDA, knife, or multitool will perfectly disguise the clips.

  13. I carry appendix, so my Crossbreed works a little better in that I can clip to my belt by the buckle then the end of the belt (the extra) hides the clip. I can tuck very well and no one would ever know. That said, it’s a nuisance and I rarely do it.

  14. Yes, i use the Minotaur tuckable holster from Comp tac. I have very few issues with this manner of dress, even wearing it all day. A little larger shirt makes a difference.

  15. Have you loomed at Remora holsters? They are great IWB and you can also tuck without having clips exposed.

    • Honestly, I would never consider carrying a gun in a holster that doesn’t have clips. I wouldn’t recommend anyone else do so either, bad idea if you ever get into a hands on fight and need to retain the pistol in the holster.

  16. If you really want to hide your clips, purchase a holder for your phone that goes on your belt, and place infront of the clip, just make sure the phone holder clip is to the side of your holster clip. Tucking is a pain in the ass if you need to draw your weapon though.

  17. What I do is use a bet mounted cell phone case to cover one clip. And the other clip goes on my waist band instead of belt. It is a compromise, but beats not carrying.

  18. I use a DeSantis Sof Tuck and usually carry a Glock 27. I tuck in every day and carry every day. I loathe the J clip and it recently (finally) broke.. So now I’m gonna try and find a regular clip to replace it with. Nobody notices the clip, and I did not use the “J” clip like it was meant to be used–I just clip the whole damned thing over my waistband and belt–although I usually carry at almost the 6 o’clock position and usually I try to stay facing anyone I’m talking to (of course).

  19. I use an aliengear shapeshift 3-4 o’clock and tuck it everyday while at work (requirement of occupation) I have an otterbox on my phone and use my phone holster to cover the front clip and have a multitool holstered next to the rear clip. I have yet to be called out on this setup. Years ago I used to run the original aliengear holster with my shirt tucked. I had one customer ask me what i was carrying while i was in his basement. I asked him what gave me away and he said he noticed the clips. He also told me he enjoys guns alot and he probably just saw it because he knows it.

    I wear a full button up shirt at work and a black belt. The clips are black so that probably helps slightly. I do have my shirt come untucked from time to time and I usually just casually push it back in between my holster and pant. No need to use the restroom.

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