Home / News / Anti-gun PSA Encourages Kids to Bring Guns to School

Anti-gun PSA Encourages Kids to Bring Guns to School

I have several problems with this video, but the biggest one is that instead of encouraging kids to have a dialogue with their parents when they have something they are concerned about, it encourages theft, unsafe/illegal transport of a firearm, violation of the Gun Free Schools Act, and a while lot more bad juju.

See, if the kid in the video would have had a talk with his parents about not being comfortable with a gun in the house (probably because he’s been filled with propaganda at school, and not taught anything about it at home) his parents probably would have taught him about gun safety, taken him shooting, and went out of their way to make him comfortable in safe, legal way.

About Lucas

Editor/Head Honcho at Triangle Tactical. Lucas is a life long shooter and outdoorsman, avid concealed carrier and competitive shooter, and a lover of pork fat.


  1. Scary just how far the left wing anti guns will take something.

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