Home / Competition / USPSA Members: Look for your ballot this week!

USPSA Members: Look for your ballot this week!

Today I received my ballot in the mail for the USPSA Presidential election. If you’re a USPSA member, look for it, and PLEASE do a little research before you just pick a random name and send it back. Back in episode 139 of the podcast, Ben and I discussed this, and he tried to convince me that this race really matters. Today, I realized how much it matters. Check this out:

wpid-wp-1438734215795.jpegWouldn’t it be cool if USPSA had the marketing clout to have their targets for sale in sporting goods stores? What about other swag?  Shouldn’t we decide what’s going to happen to Steel Challenge? With modern technology, do we really need to wait until the 14th of every month to see our classifier scores?




Ben Stoeger’s Interviews with Candidates:

Mike Foley

Jack Suber

Manny Bragg

Paul Hyland

Well, there’s no interview with Paul Hyland, because I’m told he declined to be interviewed on the Practical Pistol Show.

About Lucas

Editor/Head Honcho at Triangle Tactical. Lucas is a life long shooter and outdoorsman, avid concealed carrier and competitive shooter, and a lover of pork fat.

One comment

  1. Hey, hey, hey…I didn’t give any crap but I am glad Ben (“your and my Ben”, LOL!) was able to sway you.

    This is a very important election for those of us that shoot this sport. It is a hard decision between front-runners Jack Suber and Mike Foley. Both are supremely qualified for the position and I believe both would serve the organization well.

    I do believe it will be a close race and so, it is really important that everyone makes sure they cast their vote.

    Remember, not voting is the same as voting. Make your vote count for the person you believe will serve us, the shooters, the best!

    I thank you for this Blog post. Hopefully, it will convince people that spend so much time and effort in this sport that they need to really consider the candidates, their positions and then vote for whom they believe will do the best job for all of us!

    Carry on!

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