Home / News / “Handgun Trigger Safety Act” Introduced in US Senate

“Handgun Trigger Safety Act” Introduced in US Senate

What a load of crap. This bill was introduced today by Sen. Ed Markie (D) today. The bill calls to earmark money for “gun violence” research, as well as making all new handguns have technology that only allow them to be fired by their owner (because there is never a situation where someone else may want to shoot your pistol for a perfectly legitimate purpose). In addition to this, the bill would make selling a handgun illegal unless you retrofit it with personalization technology.

Guess what? These retrofit kits don’t exist, and neither does the technology to reliably allow a gun to only be fired by its owner.

Even more hilarious than trying to ban private gun sales by requiring them to have technology that doesn’t exist, is the fact that Markey references a James Bond movie as the reason for introducing the bill.

About Lucas

Editor/Head Honcho at Triangle Tactical. Lucas is a life long shooter and outdoorsman, avid concealed carrier and competitive shooter, and a lover of pork fat.

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