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Drinking and Carrying

Recently Illinois passed a concealed carry law that allows for restaurant carry. This happened right around the same time that HB937 was passed in NC which will also allow for carrying a concealed handgun in an establishment where alcohol is sold and consumed.

The anti-gun media is having a field day with this in both states, which we expected would happen. What I didn’t expect was that so many people would spread blatant untruths about restaurant carry. In a recent article from the Chicago Business Journal, a restaurant owner wrote an article about why he will not allow guns in his restaurant.

It is illegal to drink and drive, and it should be illegal to drink and carry a gun.

It is illegal to carry a gun in both IL and NC under their new laws with even a drop of alcohol in your system. This has always been part of the concealed carry law in NC since it was passed in 1994.

In the above linked article, the author completely ignores the fact that the responsible armed citizens aren’t the ones that will be putting a bowie knife to his neck when asked to leave.

About Lucas

Editor/Head Honcho at Triangle Tactical. Lucas is a life long shooter and outdoorsman, avid concealed carrier and competitive shooter, and a lover of pork fat.

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