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NPM: Can You Start a Fire?

Ok city slickers, when was the last time you practiced starting a fire? If Reagan was still in the white house, you probably need some more practice.

In my house, everything is electric. I don’t even have a natural gas line going down my street, so if the power goes out during a storm, I need an alternative way to cook and produce heat.

I’ve recommended Firesteel.com firesteels in the past (they aren’t a sponsor, and I don’t get anything if you buy from them) and they make a fantastic product for starting fires without matches or a lighter.

Here’s why you need to add a firesteel, even a basic one from Target or your local Sporting Goods store to your preps:

About Lucas

Editor/Head Honcho at Triangle Tactical. Lucas is a life long shooter and outdoorsman, avid concealed carrier and competitive shooter, and a lover of pork fat.

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