Home / Bizarro Week / Bizarro Week: “It’s for Breast Cancer Awareness” Rant

Bizarro Week: “It’s for Breast Cancer Awareness” Rant

Now listen, I love boobs as much as the next guy, and breast cancer is a terrible disease, which makes it easy for scammers to latch onto, and tug at our heart strings in an attempt to sell their product.

Yesterday afternoon I stopped to fill up the Tactical Compact Sedan before heading to the Wake County Firearms Education and Training Center for the monthly Action Pistol match. After getting the pump into the car, the pink shirt wearing person knew she had a captive audience and approached me.

She stated that they were running a promotion for “breast cancer awareness” and then began a sales speech for some car wax in a pink spray can.

At no time in her sales speech did she say anything about raising money for research, or making a donation to a foundation for survivors, or anything like that. Just “breast cancer awareness”, pink shirt, and then sales speech on her wax in a can.

I assume this wasn’t a complete scam, and I bet that there was some money going to some sort of research, however the real promotion going on at the gas pump was the attempt to tug at my heart strings to sell car wax.

I’m a pretty charitable guy, but if I’m donating money, I want to make sure my money is actually going to help the group that I want to help, and I try to eliminate as many third parties from the equation as possible. Sorry, I’m not donating to a random person at the gas pump, no matter the cause.

About Lucas

Editor/Head Honcho at Triangle Tactical. Lucas is a life long shooter and outdoorsman, avid concealed carrier and competitive shooter, and a lover of pork fat.

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