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[Video] Singlestack 9mm Concealed Carry Pistols

I get a lot of questions about why I recommend certain singlestack 9mm concealed carry pistols and not others. Rather than type up a big long blog post, I figured I’d do something a little different and fire up the camera gear and do a video on the singlestack 9’s in my life, and why I like them.

It basically comes down to a set of criteria that I’ve mentioned a few times:

– 7+1 Capacity
– “Glock-like” trigger
– Reliable
– No External Safety/Internal Lock/Magazine Disconnect

(Video link for Email/RSS Readers)

And yes, in the video I said “I’m a Glock guy…” I apparently need to go listen to episode 24 of the podcast again…

About Lucas

Editor/Head Honcho at Triangle Tactical. Lucas is a life long shooter and outdoorsman, avid concealed carrier and competitive shooter, and a lover of pork fat.


  1. What have you done with your SA XDs 9? Sold it? Traded it?

  2. Hmm, you seem taller in the podcast.

    No interest in a Remington R51 (after they re-work it to function correctly)? I realize it’s not that much smaller than a G19 (I also realize it’ll never be available here in California), but it’s damned stylish. And it’s a little known fact that style points can be accrued during a gunfight.

  3. Good video…I don’t like pocket pistols. The smallest gun I have carries is the G19. Right now my carry gun is a G20. I’ve been carrying full size guns from about 1996, so I have built my wardrobe around carrying a full size gun. I understand some people don’t want to go through that exercise, so to each is own, any gun is better than no gun.

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