I get a lot of questions about why I recommend certain singlestack 9mm concealed carry pistols and not others. Rather than type up a big long blog post, I figured I’d do something a little different and fire up the camera gear and do a video on the singlestack 9’s in my life, and why I like them.
It basically comes down to a set of criteria that I’ve mentioned a few times:
– 7+1 Capacity
– “Glock-like” trigger
– Reliable
– No External Safety/Internal Lock/Magazine Disconnect
(Video link for Email/RSS Readers)
And yes, in the video I said “I’m a Glock guy…” I apparently need to go listen to episode 24 of the podcast again…
What have you done with your SA XDs 9? Sold it? Traded it?
Still have it, its in the video!
Hmm, you seem taller in the podcast.
No interest in a Remington R51 (after they re-work it to function correctly)? I realize it’s not that much smaller than a G19 (I also realize it’ll never be available here in California), but it’s damned stylish. And it’s a little known fact that style points can be accrued during a gunfight.
6′ 3″…
On the R51, I shot one, wasn’t impressed. Bad slide bite, clicky grip safety, awful reliability, etc.
Good video…I don’t like pocket pistols. The smallest gun I have carries is the G19. Right now my carry gun is a G20. I’ve been carrying full size guns from about 1996, so I have built my wardrobe around carrying a full size gun. I understand some people don’t want to go through that exercise, so to each is own, any gun is better than no gun.