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Game Changer – Defense Distributed Liberator

Certainly over the past few months you have heard of Defense Distributed, an organization out of Texas that specializes in making firearm parts with 3D printers. They made waves in the firearm industry when they printed an AR-15 lower receiver, which at the time was a pretty big deal. Well, they’ve done it again. Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to introduce you to the Defense Distributed Liberator pistol: This pistol is almost completely printed, …

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Open Carry March on Washington DC

This has “bad idea” written all over it. I understand the sentiment of wanting to take a stand for something that you believe in, but this is no bueno. Marching into DC with loaded rifles and pistols displayed openly is bad juju. This event is being organized by a Facebook user named Adam Kokesh. Here’s what is said on the event’s Facebook page, where it is being organized (1400+ people have said they will attend …

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Note: Restaurant Carry

House Bill 937 has officially been postponed until May 6th, 2013. This means we have all day Friday, and Monday morning to continue calling, and e-mailing. Now is the time to contact your reps and urge them to make sure the bill gets to the floor, and to encourage them to vote for it! Who Represents Me?

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NC House Restaurant Carry Vote Delayed… Again

If you listened to Episode 26 of the Triangle Tactical Podcast, you probably heard Ben and I talk about how the restaurant carry bill in the NC House (HB 937) was supposed to be heading to the House floor on Tuesday April 30th, 2013. Well, for one reason or another, the bill got postponed until May 1st. May 1st (yesterday) came and went without a vote, and now we are being told that HB937 has …

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Dick’s Sporting Goods Sales and Stocks Plummet

Guns.com ran an interesting article yesterday about how Dick’s Sporting Goods sales and stock have taken a nosedive since they stopped selling black rifles back in December. If you remember, I wrote an article a while back about how Dick’s was refusing to sell ammo to those who are not US Citizens citing the BATFE regulations, yet the BATFE’s own website makes it very clear that legal aliens MAY purchase ammo (and firearms!). You may …

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Cabela’s Gunsports

Yesterday afternoon when I checked the mail, I noticed a Cabela’s catalog along with the usual junkmail. I always like getting the catalogs from Cabelas, as they make for good reading material when I’m… busy. Anyways, it wasn’t until I got into the house did I take a look at the cover of the catalog which was titled “Cabela’s Gunsports”, and I noticed a well spec’d AR-15, and a Benelli shotgun, both all done up …

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What’s Happening at Triangle Tactical

I’m not sure if many of you have noticed, but I haven’t been writing too awful much lately. I’m thankful to have Ben on board filling in the gaps with some great posts. Ben offered to jump in with the occasional post, but lately he’s been writing more than me and his posts are always top notch. I’ve been doing a lot of things on the back end of the site in order to make …

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The new gun rights bill in the NC house is awesome

Oooh boy. I gotta watch the state legislature closer. WRAL just dropped this gem of an article talking about a bill I hadn’t heard of in the NC House that passed out of committee today. It would allow handguns to be kept locked up in the car while on college campuses (better than what we have now) and legalize restaurant carry. The article gives the first quote to Paul Valone, President of GRNC, probably meant …

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AmmoScanner is a new site to find ammo (and a band-aid on a flesh wound)

When a free market is in a sufficiently inefficient state for a sufficiently long period of time, people work to establish systems that allow the market to function better. It doesn’t happen overnight, but if someone notices widgets selling for half the price in China than in the US, he’ll buy there and sell here. That sort of thing. We’re seeing it now with websites and ammunition. The inefficient market (retailers who haven’t raised prices …

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HB 976 “Gun Safety Act” Introduced in NC House

Yesterday a bill was introduced in the NC House called the “Gun Safety Act”. This bill would basically take all of the progress we have made in castle laws and concealed carry and repeal them. It would also institute a 15rd magazine capacity limit, and some other things that are worded poorly. Rather than rehash the entire bill here, head over to NCgunblog.com, where Sean has already broken it down. You can find the full …

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