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Editor/Head Honcho at Triangle Tactical. Lucas is a life long shooter and outdoorsman, avid concealed carrier and competitive shooter, and a lover of pork fat.

Safariland ALS for Weapon Mounted Lights Safety Issues

I’ve seen a few posts around the net recently about the Safariland ALS holsters for weapon mounted lights having a safety issue. Most of them are referencing this article about a police officer who’s pistol discharged in his holster when someone’s finger made it into the trigger guard while the pistol was still in the holster. I’ve owned one of these (Safariland ALS 6378) for a Glock 17 with a WML for a while, and …

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XDs Received

It looks like Springfield accepted my XDs today for the recall. Now I wait… I mentioned on Episode 45 that I was going to look at a Bersa BP9cc as a short term alternative to the XDs 9mm. It’s got a lot of things going against it, but it’s fairly inexpensive, and Carolina Gunrunners always seems to have them in stock. I could do without the magazine disconnect, but the real concern I have is …

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Shooting is NOT Like Riding a Bike

I don’t care what anybody says, if you don’t shoot for an extended period of time, you get sloppy. Shooting is NOT like riding a bike. If you don’t practice, your skills will degrade. This became apparent on Monday when I shot the monthly Action Rifle match at the WCFETC. It was the first time I’d shot a rifle in 3 months, and even longer since I’d shot this particular lower receiver/trigger. On the first …

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What’s broken inside the XDs?

Has anybody been able to find anything that explains exactly what parts are being replaced inside the XDs pistols? I’ve heard that the grip safety is being replaced, and that the new one has a roll pin in it, and that’s about it. I’ve spent a couple hours digging through forum threads and doing Google searches, and I still don’t understand exactly what is happening inside the pistol that is causing it to double fire, …

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Sunday Reading

Here’s your Sunday Reading… MAIG made another stop this week in Ohio, and they were given a warm welcome, just like they were in Raleigh back in June. Uncle Teds wife was arrested at an airport this week for attempting to board a plane with a gun in her carry-on. I think it was an honest mistake, when you carry every day, it’s easy to forget that you have it on, especially if you carry …

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Obama’s Executive Orders Against Expensive Guns

Today Obama signed two more executive orders which will have exactly zero effect on curbing “gun violence” in America. The first of the EOs stops the importation of US military surplus firearms. I can only assume after reading about this that this will effect the M1 Garands and Carbines that are sitting in South Korea. You know, because gang bangers are plaguing cities around the nation with 8rd, clip fed, 5′ long rifles that weigh …

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“Dress Around the Gun…”

I’m sick of hearing this. Telling a new concealed carrier that he needs to dress around the gun is terrible advise, and probably leads to more of them buying bigger pistols, and not carrying them as much later on.  As it is right now, my Springfield XDs 9mm is on its way back to Springfield for the recall, and I’m sitting in a restaurant eating lunch with a Glock 17 in my waistband, undershirt, and …

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Springfield XDs Recall

Oh snap. It looks like mine may be making the trip back to the mothership. Springfield Armory® is initiating this voluntary safety recall to upgrade 3.3 XD-S™ 9mm and 3.3 XD-S™ .45ACP pistols with new components, which eliminate the possibility of a potentially dangerous condition. We want to emphasize that no injuries have been reported to date. Springfield has determined that under exceptionally rare circumstances, some 3.3 XD-S™ 9mm and .45ACP caliber pistols could experience …

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“Obama Promising Unilateral Action on Guns”

The Washington Times is reporting that Pres. Obama recently had a meeting with the Mayors of large cities which are plagued with “gun violence” (interestingly I didn’t see any names of mayors from more conservative, gun friendly cities). It’s a fairly tame article, but I found this quote, and it makes me wonder what Obama is planning: The White House said Mr. Obama told the group that government isn’t the only answer to lowering gun …

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Open Carry

I’ve been pretty outspoken in the past about open carry. My stance has always been that yes, it should be legal, but it’s not for me. I don’t want the added attention from the general public, or  law enforcement. Until Saturday, I’d never done it outside of a match. I’d been watching the Triangle Open Carry Meetup group for a while, waiting for an event that worked with my schedule. Finally Saturday I was able …

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