News broke yesterday afternoon that country singer Toby Keith has begun posting some of his signature restaurants with “no guns” signage (specifically the newest one that just opened in northern Virginia). Considering the subject matter of many of Keith’s songs, this seems rather hypocritical. What’s more interesting though is that there seems to be a good chance that we could see one of Keith’s restaurants right here in the Triangle after the new Bass Pro …
Read More »Glock 42 Measurements Compared to Other Pistols
Recently I wrote about a couple of pictures that had been posted over on the Boomershooter forum from a magazine of what appears the be the rumored Glock 42. One of the pictures contained some dimensions of the pistol, which is a really big deal for us following this story. Previously I had tried to overlay the outline of the Glock 42 from the ad over a picture of a Glock 26, but it appears …
Read More »Well that’s Disappointing, the Glock 42 is a .380ACP
Someone over at Boomershooter posted a thread with a magazine ad showing the Glock 42 as a .380ACP pocket pistol. Nice job Glock, you’re only about 3 years late to the party. This being said, I’ll probably still buy one. Will you? Anybody have any idea what magazine these ads might have come from? Want to see how the Glock 42 stacks up against other popular concealed carry pistols? Check it out… For more updates …
Read More »Winchester’s New 3-Gun Ammo isn’t that Bad
Iain Harrison from Recoil had a bit to say about the new “Win3Gun” ammo from Winchester, but I don’t think the ammo is as bad as Iain says it is. I think it’s just marketed poorly. The new 9mm ammo is 140pf with a 147gr bullet. They mention that it’s made to burn clean so that it doesn’t clog ports in pistols. Guess what? People shooting open guns with ports shoot lightweight bullets, and people …
Read More »Facebook “NC Gun Feed”
If you follow Triangle Tactical on Facebook, you need to follow the new “NC Gun Feed” on Facebook. Facebook is severely limiting our reach, and wanting us to pay them to show our posts to people who have already liked our page. Even if you like our page, you probably are only seeing about half of less of what we post. To get around this, I’ve created an NC Gun Feed on Facebook, which once …
Read More »High Capacity Magazine PSA
I thought this was really well done, and it’s exactly why we shouldn’t be limited in what we can carry.
Read More »Why I did what I did with the Glock 42 Picture
My picture of the Glock 42 ad overlaid with a picture of a Glock 26 has made its way around the internet and been linked to on a lot of webforums and blogs over the past couple of weeks. I’ve received a lot of feedback from people telling me that when they put their Zippo lighter up against a Glock 26, the lighter is much smaller than it appears in the picture, and that makes …
Read More »NC Hunters Safety Instructors Received a Package from the State
I was informed recently that NC Hunters Safety instructors received a package from the state containing wording that firearms were not allowed in NC Hunters Safety classes, and the state even went so far as to include “No Guns” signage as well. I haven’t procured a copy of the letter, but it was implied to me that the letter also stated that the Hunters Safety instructors were not to be carrying concealed during the classes. …
Read More »Gearing Up For Day-Night-Day: Flashlight Technique
Being a dyed in the wool gamer, I’ve always just run a weapon mounted light in low-light/no-light matches. I’ve committed to running more “real life” type gear in IDPA matches for a while, and that means no weapon mounted lights for this feller. I mentioned in last nights post that I picked up a Streamlight ProTac HL, and I really like it, but now I have to learn how to use it. I found this …
Read More »Gearing Up for Day-Night-Day: Ben’s Pistol Reload
Makes perfect sense. My reload is very close, but modified just a bit for my bigger flashlight.
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